The Girl on Fire

Hi Everyone,

I try to update this blog fairly regularly, but sometimes I fail to do so. While most people are out partying and gearing up for the super bowl, I’m here reminiscing over the past and how far I have come. I can’t begin to explain how excited I get when I think about the future and all the possibilities that may lie ahead for me. Here’s to me. Here’s to happiness. Here’s to healing. Here’s to balance. Here’s to learning to say no, but still being open to saying yes.

Much love,


Hate is heavy. It anchors you. Let it go.

Even though I’m now one year older (my birthday was on August 29) I wanted to write about some of the best things I have learned to live by in my 25 years so far.

1. Be humble. There will always be someone who is smarter, better or has had it worse than you. Throughout your life, you will meet many people and each and every one of them will have their own story of hardship, struggle and success. People will hurt you and people will love you. Don’t be bitter. Love yourself and seek to love others. Happiness will follow.

2. Forgive yourself – and others. This is something I am still working on. What I have learned is this-hate is heavy. It anchors you. Let it go.

3. Setting goals is the most important thing to do in order to accomplish your dreams. If you want to accomplish something, you need to start somewhere. Build your empire or create your master plan of attack step by step until you acquire what it is you want. Setting goals will help keep you in check so you don’t deviate from following the path that leads you to exactly what it is you want.

4. Sleep is important. So be sure to get your rest.
Like many of my friends as I’ve gotten older, I have acquired more responsibilities and my attention span is now spread over a variety of different things-student loans, work, side projects, maintaining a healthy lifestyle, etc. If you want to make the most of your day, kick ass and take names make sure to get your rest. It may sound lame, but if you are well rested it will pay off in the long run.

5. Resist the urge to overshare. We live in a world dominated by technology. While it may be super tempting to post a picture of a letter or note you received from a friend, colleague, etc. Think before you post. Some things are best kept for you. Don’t rob yourself of the little moments. Whether good or bad, some things are best kept to yourself. At the same time, don’t take social media to heart. It’s easy to look at a post the wrong way, just as easy as it is to interpret a text the wrong way. If a friend’s post or message is bothering you, it’s best to ask what the post or message truly means before you assume anything.

Back on track

It has been far too long since I checked in. With spring on it’s way, I want to reassure you I am back on track. I want 2014 to be a good year. If I want to be the person I have always dreamed of becoming- it’s important I stay on top of my work and keep my eye on the prize: success, health and happiness. And so I would like to post a little update on all the goals I have set for myself. Not only will this give readers an idea into what I have been up to, but it will also help me realize which areas of my life need more attention and focus.

Shana’s goals for the year:

  • Career.
  • I want to be more of an entrepreneur so I can better use my talents and skills for myself and my clients. Work cannot simply be just work for me. As a writer, I need to utilize my skills and mind every day to stay sharp and focused. I would like to take on more responsibility in regards to writing. I want to be more challenged. (Hopefully this request will not come back to haunt me!) It would be nice to finish a few songs I started writing as well.
  • Get fit and become ripped.
  • This is a work in progress. I am at a turning point in my life. I am not a little girl anymore. Health is important to me. It’s not merely about looking good, but it is about self-awareness too. Exercise is a great stress reliever for me and with the weather finally breaking I am relieved to be able to run outside after a long day. I try to exercise every day or every other day at least for a hour. Endorphins make the body and mind feel better, which is great for my mental health too. 🙂
  • In addition to exercise, I have been eating better as well. I will admit I need to take in more vegetables and whip out my cookbook every now and then, as I won’t be able to live on fruit, yogurt and whatever my mom makes for much longer!
  • Nashville. Still want to visit and someday soon I will. Music city. My kind of place.
  • Write and create an album.
  • This is another work in progress. I have been writing more lately and working on my sound. I have not crossed the bridge yet where I feel my voice is strong enough to carry me through spoken word or song, but as I said it’s a work in progress. It would be great if I could find or meet someone who plays an instrument or writes. It’s very rare that a collaboration effort goes awry.
  • It also should be noted I am not looking to write about my inspirations so much anymore. I’m currently focusing on how I feel (my emotions) and telling my story.
  • Go dark. After my cousin’s wedding, towards the end of summer I may not be a ginger anymore! Watch out!
  • Save, save, save. Work, work, work.
  • I have saved some money! It’s not much, but this is huge for me. Saving is never easy, especially when you are an artist and are underpaid and saddled with student loans. Nevertheless, I have proven to myself I can do it and I hope I can continue to make good financial decisions to better secure my future.
  • Pay off debt. This is something else I am proud to say I have accomplished. While I am still paying off my student loans and most likely will be for years to come, I have paid off other debts outside of school-related business which is extremely important . In fact that I did this makes me feel all better as a person. This accomplishment actually makes me like the fact that I’m responsible. Go figure!
  • Nashville, southbound, travel.
  • I have stated before that I want to start over somewhere. A new place would mean a new chance and I like the sound of that. I would not mind relocating as I do not see any value or future for me here in New Jersey. The cost of living in this state is outrageous and being that most of my friends live out of state or are in long-term relationships, nothing is keeping me here anymore. I used to be afraid I would not survive on my own, which come to think of it, is so silly. I am more than capable and I am ready. So I’m going to put it out into the universe: I’m ready, it’s time, let’s go somewhere and make it happen!

May this post serve as a reminder to all those out there looking for change in their lives. I want you to know you can do it. Set goals and work towards them. It may seem lame, but once you accomplish something you set out to do-you’ll feel great and be all the more ready to move on to the next bigger and better thing.