The Girl on Fire

Hi Everyone,

I try to update this blog fairly regularly, but sometimes I fail to do so. While most people are out partying and gearing up for the super bowl, I’m here reminiscing over the past and how far I have come. I can’t begin to explain how excited I get when I think about the future and all the possibilities that may lie ahead for me. Here’s to me. Here’s to happiness. Here’s to healing. Here’s to balance. Here’s to learning to say no, but still being open to saying yes.

Much love,


Growing Pains

I originally created this blog as part of a school project to inspire others to follow and pursue their dreams, whatever they may be. I realize I have sometimes wandered away from this objective leading my posts to become more personal. However, my goal to inspire others through communication and storytelling remains true and sincere.

Life is a journey for each and every individual and the path on which we all travel is different yet intertwined in some way.  Happiness is something I am still working on reaching and obtaining but I believe it and I want you to know happiness is out there-you simply need to reach out and grasp it. As I continue on down my own path, I want others to know that they can have what they strive for too. I know I last posted about being brave, which is ironic because I often find myself scared by my dreams, goals and desires. This is okay. It’s all a learning process. There are no rules to this thing.

I am currently at a turning point in my life. As a young adult I have a reasonable amount of responsibility, yet with no boyfriend, no dependents, no anchors, nothing holding me back I am free as a bird. I have the power and final say of what will become of me and where I will end up in the next few months, I have the power to shape and change my life for the better and I plan to. The last few weeks have opened my eyes and brought a lot of things to my attention. Ultimately my entire future falls upon me and in order to become the woman I have always wanted to be, I am going to need to break away from old habits, push myself out of my comfort zone and into the unknown.

This all sounds good, but actually following through on it is much, much more difficult. Since my last post on how one can be brave, I have often found myself second-guessing my capabilities and letting the voices inside my head talk me into backing down from moving forward. Despite my setbacks, I will continue to push back against my biggest and toughest opponent yet -my inner self. With that being said, I want all the readers of this blog to know that is okay to be scared, its okay to fall down or back off from your dreams, goals or desires when you are ready to move forward, you will. It’s a learning process.

These are growing pains and I’ll get beyond them.

Just as you all will too.